Beginners Guide for Sed Command on Linux

The sed command is a stream editor that helps you search, find, replace, insert, and delete strings from the referenced text file without opening it. It is similar to the AWK and grep commands that follow the regular expression approach to modify the string from

Beginners Guide for AWK Command on Linux

Awk is a domain-specific programming language that can be used as a Linux command-line tool or within a shell script. The working is similar to the sed and grep commands, extracting the data from the reference file using the regular expressions. It can be piped

Systemctl Mask vs Systemctl Disable

The “systemctl mask” and “systemctl disable” are both crucial commands for Linux administrators, and you must know their differences to decide which one to choose in certain situations. The “systemctl enable” command allows your services to start on system boot. If you disable your service

How to Use Systemctl Command in Systemd Linux System

Most Linux distributions, such as Debian, Ubuntu, Fedora, Redhat, Manjaro, or OpenSUSE, use systemd as their init system; if unsure, you can check whether you are using systemd or not. Despite all the criticism surrounding systemd, it still holds the number one position on the

Compgen Command on Linux with Examples

The compgen command is a very handy tool available in major Linux distributions that can help you find your system aliases, shell built-ins, commands, directories, groups, jobs, users, etc. In this article, you will learn how to use the compgen command with practical examples. Tutorial

Cat and Tac Command Usage on Linux

The cat command is pretty useful for reading, creating, and concatenating files. While the tac command also works similarly to the cat command, which outputs the last line first. Tutorial Details Description Cat and Tac command Difficulty Level Low Root or Sudo Privileges Maybe OS

What is Symbolic Links (or Symlinks) in the Linux

Symbolic links, sometimes also referred to as “symlinks”, are used to create file pointers pointing towards files and directories identical to Windows shortcuts in a Linux system. In this article, you will learn different types of symbolic links, how to create them, and then how

How to Install and Use Emacs in Linux

Emacs is one of the oldest text editors with ongoing development, providing rich and powerful features that can be further extended using plugins. It provides a wide range of functionalities that can be very useful for programmers and Linux administrators while modifying the configuration file.

How to Install and Use Original Vim Editor on Linux

Vim is popular and my personal favorite text editor in Linux, providing advance features and functionalities comparative to its competitor, the GNU Nano editor. Although you can perform basic file editing using both of these programs, Still, they are slightly different from each other, as

What is GNU Nano Editor on Linux

GNU nano is a built-in text editor for major Linux distributions, providing similar options to edit and modify files as its competitors VIM and Emacs. Although, its competitors are way more advanced in count of features and functionalities. However, many users still prefer to use

How to Block ‘su’ Access for Sudo Users

In UNIX/Linux, su is the most powerful command that allows you to access the root account or another user’s account with their account password. Although you can easily restrict or disable su command access for a specific user with sudo privileges by following the steps