What is Xargs and How to Use it (with 13 Examples)

Xargs is a fantastic command-line tool used to read data streams from the standard input of one command and pass them as arguments to another command when combined via piping. You can seamlessly pair it with various other commands, such as find, rm, cp, mkdir,

How to Create a Systemd Service in Linux (under 1 Minute)

Systemd is a popular init system used by many major Linux distributions, such as Ubuntu, Debian, Red Hat, and Fedora. It’s ofter a service manager that manages various programs and processes on your Linux system. The systemd services are defined in unit files. Few programs

Understanding the /etc/mtab File in Linux

In this article, you will learn what the “/etc/mtab” file is in Linux, the difference between the “/etc/mtab” and “/etc/fstab” files, their relationship to the “mount” and “umount” commands, and the different parameters and directives in the “/etc/mtab” file. What is the /etc/mtab file in

How to Use XXD Command in Linux: A Step-by-Step Guide

The “xxd” command allows to convert data from standard input or a file into hexadecimal or binary output, and it can also reverse the process, converting hex (not binary) to regular characters. Debugging, inspecting non-textual content in hexadecimal, analyzing binary file structures, transporting data in

How to Use Envsubst to Replace Environment Variables in Linux

At one point, you may have come across a template, configuration, or initialization file containing bash variables as placeholders that you’ll need to fill in before actual usage. To fill those variables, you can either use the globally set environment variables, such as “$HOME“, “$USER“,

Understanding the /proc/cpuinfo File in Linux

In Linux, “/proc” is a special virtual file system that contains valuable system-related information in different files. Such a file is “/proc/cpuinfo“, which stores detailed information about the CPU, such as vendor ID, CPU family, model name, virtualization features, caches, and many more. Since it’s

ShellBench: Perform Benchmark Tests on Various Linux Shells

ShellBench is a free benchmark tool written in a shell script for POSIX shell comparison. It allows you to execute a series of commands in an infinite loop or until the timeout. This way, you can test and compare the performance of various shells like

Inotifywait: Monitor Live Events on Files and Directories on Linux

Inotifywait is a Linux command-line utility that assists system administrators in monitoring events such as opening, modifying, reading, closing, moving, or deleting on files or directories. It can seamlessly integrate with other tools or be used within a shell script. So, if you want to

Tokei: Quickly Count Different Metrics in Your Codebase

Once you have completed your assignment on a big software project (with or without a team), have you ever thought about how much code in different programming languages has been used in the project? If the project is hosted on GitHub, you might catch a

jnv: An Interactive JSON Viewer and jq Filter Editor for Linux

I assume you are aware of jq (a JSON processor to parse and manipulate JSON data right from your command line), and recently we have also written an article on jaq (a superset of jq with additional features and improved performance), but today we bring

Bat is a Modern Drop-in Replacement for Cat Command on Linux

The bat is a modern command-line program written in the Rust programming language, and I can confidently say it’s a great drop-in replacement for our beloved cat command. If you’re wondering why I’m hyping this so much and what it has to offer you that