Tokei: Quickly Count Different Metrics in Your Codebase

Once you have completed your assignment on a big software project (with or without a team), have you ever thought about how much code in different programming languages has been used in the project? If the project is hosted on GitHub, you might catch a

Bat is a Modern Drop-in Replacement for Cat Command on Linux

The bat is a modern command-line program written in the Rust programming language, and I can confidently say it’s a great drop-in replacement for our beloved cat command. If you’re wondering why I’m hyping this so much and what it has to offer you that

JDownloader: An Open-Source Alternative to IDM (Install + Usage)

JDownloader is one of my favorite tools, as it is a free and open-source download management tool for multi-platform use, making it a perfect alternative to proprietary software such as IDM. It can perform all the tasks that other tools, like IDM, can do. To

How to Install and Use LunarVim on Linux (Complete Guide)

LunarVim is a fantastic NeoVim-based IDE, a community-driven project available for free to try, providing support for most popular programming languages such as C/C++, Python, Java, Node.js, Angular, Go, Scala, and 13+ more. It comes with a default configuration to offer features such as autocompletion,

What is Polyglot (and Hyperpolyglot) in Programming

A traditional journey for non-programmers entering the programming realm is to choose one of many programming languages and begin mastering it until they are able to make some use of it and create a full-fledged application. The journey would eventually end here if the person

How to: Install Angular CLI (and Create a New App) on Linux

Angular is a widely used open-source web application framework developed and maintained by Google, serves the purpose of creating dynamic single-page mobile or web applications (SPAs). It uses Typescript/Javascript and offers a rich set of features like component-based architecture, two-way data binding, dependency injection, directives,

How to Install Apache Kafka on RHEL-Based Distributions

💭 Scenario Picture multiple computers or systems communicating by sending messages, which could be updates, notifications, or data. Instead of each computer directly communicating with the others, they use Kafka as an intermediary to simplify the process. What is Apache Kafka? Apache Kafka is an

How to Install and Use Scala on Linux

Scala (which stands for “Scalable Language“) is a general-purpose programming language built on the Java virtual machine that combines functional programming and object-oriented programming paradigms. It addresses Java’s limitations while offering rich features like object-oriented design, curly-brace syntax, immutability, lazy evaluation, pattern matching, and operator

How to Install Latest Android Studio (Jellyfish) on Linux

Android Studio, the official Google integrated development environment (IDE) for Android app development, is a widely used tool among developers for its robust capabilities in creating, testing, and debugging Android applications. It can be used in game development, mobile web development, Android instant apps, deep

VSCode Tutorial: Features, Installation Guide, and Top Extensions

Visual Studio Code (a.k.a. VSCode) is a free and open-source code editor developed by the software giant Microsoft. It is one of the most popular code editors in the developer community due to its lightweight, speedy, and feature-rich nature. VSCode offers a highly customizable and

Java Installation on Linux with Hands-on Examples

Java is a prominent high-level programming language like C/C++, that can be used in various domains, such as web development, Android app development, the internet of things (IoT), cloud-based applications, game development, and more. Java is famously known for its “write once, run anywhere” (WORA)

How to Add a Directory to the $PATH Variable in Linux

In Linux, whenever you want to execute any executable program or script, you need to jump into the directory and execute your program or script. But when you execute system commands like ls, pwd, echo, apt, and nano, you don’t need to jump into any