Tokei: Quickly Count Different Metrics in Your Codebase

Once you have completed your assignment on a big software project (with or without a team), have you ever thought about how much code in different programming languages has been used in the project? If the project is hosted on GitHub, you might catch a

Bat is a Modern Drop-in Replacement for Cat Command on Linux

The bat is a modern command-line program written in the Rust programming language, and I can confidently say it’s a great drop-in replacement for our beloved cat command. If you’re wondering why I’m hyping this so much and what it has to offer you that

How to Install and Use LunarVim on Linux (Complete Guide)

LunarVim is a fantastic NeoVim-based IDE, a community-driven project available for free to try, providing support for most popular programming languages such as C/C++, Python, Java, Node.js, Angular, Go, Scala, and 13+ more. It comes with a default configuration to offer features such as autocompletion,

What is Polyglot (and Hyperpolyglot) in Programming

A traditional journey for non-programmers entering the programming realm is to choose one of many programming languages and begin mastering it until they are able to make some use of it and create a full-fledged application. The journey would eventually end here if the person

VSCode Tutorial: Features, Installation Guide, and Top Extensions

Visual Studio Code (a.k.a. VSCode) is a free and open-source code editor developed by the software giant Microsoft. It is one of the most popular code editors in the developer community due to its lightweight, speedy, and feature-rich nature. VSCode offers a highly customizable and