Beginners Guide for Rename Command in Linux

In Linux, the rename command is an amazing utility that allows you to rename single or multiple files at once, based on a set of rules or regular expressions you specify. Most of the time, the mv command is used to rename files or folders.

Linux Vipw and Vigr Commands Explained

In Linux, you use the useradd, passwd, usermod, and gpasswd commands to modify users or group-related information, like creating them, deleting them, assigning passwords, etc. Note that these commands only provide you an interface to modify the “/etc/passwd“, “/etc/shadow“, “/etc/group“, and “/etc/gshadow” files with safety

How to Change History File Location in Linux (with an Example)

The Linux shell (specifically, “Bash“) records all the commands you run in your terminal and stores them in the “.bash_history” file in your home directory. You can use tools like the history command, which provides you many features and functionality to work with this file,

How to Backup and Restore Linux Command History

The Linux shell (specifically, “Bash“) takes each executed command as an event and saves the command in the “.bash_history” file located in the user’s home directory. Now, there are two ways to view the history record of a user’s executed command: one using the history

Beginners Guide for mv Command on Linux

In UNIX/Linux systems, the mv command shipped with the operating system is usually used for the following purposes: If you’re familiar with the cp command, you can use the same techniques to use the mv command. Even though you can use this article to learn

How to Copy Files and Directories on Linux

In UNIX/Linux systems, the cp command is the most commonly used command that allows you to copy files and directories from one location to another. If you don’t know how to use this command, this article will show you how to use it in a

How to Run a Linux Command Without Keeping It in History

Each command executed in your Linux terminal is being recorded by your shell (referring to Bash) in a separate file (like “~/.bash_history“) that you can view using the history command. For most Linux distributions, the number of commands that should be recorded and the number

Display and Filter History Records Based on Date and Time in Linux

Executing the history command without specifying any options will give you a clean record of previously executed commands with their event numbers. Output: As you can see, it does not display the date and time, so without them, you can’t even manage to filter the records. In

Beginners Guide for History Command in Linux

Each command executed in your Linux terminal is taken as an event and associated with an event number (or index number) later found in the “~/.bash_history” file. Now, you can use a program like a “cat” to read the record of this file, but Linux

How to Find the Most Used Commands in Your Linux System

As a Linux administrator or a normal user, you often have to execute multiple commands in your terminal emulator like Gnome Terminal or Konsole for different purposes. But have you ever wondered which command you are executing repeatedly without being aware of it? So, don’t

Beginners Guide for Watch Command in Linux

In UNIX/Linux, “watch” is a resourceful utility for monitoring updates in the specified command output (including errors) by refreshing the results every 2 seconds until it is interrupted using the “Ctrl+c” shortcut key. It makes it easier for you to monitor the updates in background