How to Run (.sh) Shell Script in Linux [for Beginners]

How do I write and run a shell script on Linux? Is there a way to run a shell script without executable permission, or can we run a shell script directly from a URL? Don’t worry; you are about to learn all those things in

Beginners Guide for Bash Command on Linux

The bash (Bourne-Again SHell) is a sh-compatible command-line interpreter that reads from standard input or from a file and gives you the resulting output. We have already written an article about bash and its differences from the standard POSIX shell. Today, you will learn how

Absolute vs Relative Path in UNIX/Linux

In Linux, you might already be navigating through different directories without knowing whether an absolute or relative path is being used. It becomes important for you to understand them when you are working with scripts, navigating through different user or root directories, or creating symbolic

How to Count String Occurrences in a Text File

The GUI text editor gives you a separate panel in the footer to inform you of the number of words, lines, and characters in your text file. Even though you can easily find the number of strings that occurred in your text file using this

Beginners Guide for WC Command in Linux

The WC command is used to count various parameters from the specified file, like the number of lines, word counts, byte counts, character counts, and many more. Tutorial Details Description WC (Word Count) Difficulty Level Low Root or Sudo Privileges No OS Compatibility Ubuntu, Manjaro,

Beginners Guide for Eval Command on Linux

The eval command is used to execute specified arguments as a single command in the current command-line processing and return its result. It will combine (or construct) the arguments into a single string and use it as input to the shell, which will execute the

Beginners Guide for Alias Command in Linux

In Linux, the alias command is used to create shortcuts for long commands that have the same functionality as if you were writing the whole command. This way, you can improve your productivity and save time by creating a few aliases for the long or

How to Shrink Long or Multiple Commands into a Single Short Command

Do you still type the long β€œsudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y” commands each time you want to update your Debian-based system? Or are you still navigating into directories (ex: β€œ/var/www/htmlβ€œ) using the cd command each time you have to modify something there?

How to Add a Directory to the $PATH Variable in Linux

In Linux, whenever you want to execute any executable program or script, you need to jump into the directory and execute your program or script. But when you execute system commands like ls, pwd, echo, apt, and nano, you don’t need to jump into any

Beginners Guide for Source Command in Linux

The source is a built-in command-line tool that reads and executes the commands from the specified file (in order) as its argument in the current shell. Each command from the specified file will be delivered to the TCL interpreter to be read and run, making

Beginners Guide for Env Command on Linux

The env command is an advanced version of printenv with a few more features to tweak your environment variables, like setting new environment variables, printing all environment variables, or executing a command or script in a modified environment. I would also suggest you read the

Beginners Guide for Printenv Command on Linux

The printenv command is an alternative to the env command used to fetch the value of a specified variable name (key) used as an argument. If no variable name is assigned to printenv, it will print all environment variables in your system. Tutorial Details Description