Manually Install AUR Packages on Arch-Based Systems

In this article, you will become familiar with the official and unofficial Arch repositories, why not use Yay (or other AUR helpers) to compile and install unofficial packages, and how to manually compile and install packages from the AUR (unofficial) repository. Tutorial Details Description Manual

35+ Examples of Zypper Command for openSUSE Linux

Zypper is a popular and robust package management tool, holding its position as a cornerstone in both openSUSE Leap, freely available for personal use, and SUSE Linux Enterprise, exclusively designed for business applications. It is a command-line based package management tool that empowers Linux users

YUM Package Manager (From Rise to Replacement by DNF)

In this article, discover the intriguing history of the YUM package manager, from its rise to its decline, leading to its eventual replacement by DNF, a modern solution for package management. Explore whether it still holds value today and gain insights into essential YUM commands

How to Install and Use Yay on Arch Linux and Manjaro

πŸš€ Quick Overview Instantly, install Yay via the following pacman or pamac commands. However, I advise you to read the entire article in order to gain a deeper understanding, which includes valuable tips on handling packages from AUR using Yay. Yay (Yet Another Yaourt) is

Python 3.12 Installation on Linux with Hands-on Examples

Python is a high-level, interpreted, and general-purpose programming language known for its simplicity and readability. Top universities have adopted it widely as the primary language to introduce students to programming. Even the top MNCs like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and more rely on Python as the

How to Install Node.js v22 on Linux: A Step-by-Step Guide

πŸš€ Quick Overview To immediately install the stable version of Node.js and NPM from your package manager, refer to this section. For installing Node.js v22, either check this recommended section or this alternative. To install Node.js v20 via the Snap package, refer to this section.

How to Install and Use NPX in Linux: A Step-by-Step Guide

You might already be aware of the popular NPM (Node Package Manager) used as a package manager for Node, while NPX (Node Package eXecute), introduced in NPM version 5.2.0 (on August 10, 2017), an NPM package runner, is quite unpopular. In this article, you will

What is Pacman Package Manager

You are Arch based users, so I expect that you already know about the Pacman package manager; if not, it’s just a built-in command line tool to manage your system packages just like Apt and DNF for Debian and RedHat. Tutorial Details Description Package Manager

What is DNF Package Manager

DNF, a.k.a. β€œdandified yum,” is the default package manager for RHEL-based distributions like Fedora and AlmaLinux to help you manage your system packages by giving you functionalities like searching, installing, updating, removing, etc. packages from your Linux system. Tutorial Details Description Dandified YUM Difficulty Level

What is APT Package Manager

APT package manager is a built-in command-line tool for Debian-based distributions like Ubuntu to handle your applications by searching for them in the repository, listing them, installing them, updating them, removing them, etc., from your Linux system. Tutorial Details Description Advanced Packaging Tool Difficulty Level