Difference Between Su, Sudo Su, Sudo -i, and Sudo -s

There are tons of reasons to switch to another user’s or the root user’s account; however, there are multiple ways to do so, which you are going to learn today. Tutorial Details Description Different ways to switch user account Difficulty Level Moderate Root or Sudo

How to Add User to Sudo Group

If you are wondering what the sudo group is, it is the built-in group in Linux that holds the highest privilege after the root user. Any users assigned to this group have the highest authority over the system, including the ability to install, remove, update

Beginners Guide for Grep Command in Linux

The grep command is used to perform regular expressions to find out strings and patterns from the file that match a regular expression and stream the output to a new file. Tutorial Details Description Global Regular Expression Print Difficulty Level Low Root or Sudo Privileges No OS Compatibility

What is Pacman Package Manager

You are Arch based users, so I expect that you already know about the Pacman package manager; if not, it’s just a built-in command line tool to manage your system packages just like Apt and DNF for Debian and RedHat. Tutorial Details Description Package Manager

What is DNF Package Manager

DNF, a.k.a. “dandified yum,” is the default package manager for RHEL-based distributions like Fedora and AlmaLinux to help you manage your system packages by giving you functionalities like searching, installing, updating, removing, etc. packages from your Linux system. Tutorial Details Description Dandified YUM Difficulty Level

What is APT Package Manager

APT package manager is a built-in command-line tool for Debian-based distributions like Ubuntu to handle your applications by searching for them in the repository, listing them, installing them, updating them, removing them, etc., from your Linux system. Tutorial Details Description Advanced Packaging Tool Difficulty Level