How to Create Device Files Using the Mknod Command in Linux

The “mknod” (or make node) command was originally used to create the character and block devices that reside in the “/dev” virtual filesystem. However, these devices are not regular data files but special files, and modern systems can now create or delete them by detecting

Superfile: A Modern Terminal File Manager for Linux and macOS

Superfile is a modern terminal file manager that recently caught my attention; it’s not only easy to use but is very user-friendly compared to its alternatives, such as Ranger, MC, or nnn. It allows you to create files and directories, view (process, metadata, clipboard), provide

How to Share Your Linux Terminal Over the Web Using Ttyd

Ttyd is a simple tool that allows you to share a Linux terminal over a web browser. It’s cross-platform and uses the libuv and WebGL2 Javascript APIs for performance and real-time connection between the browser and Linux terminal. The SSL support is offered by OpenSSL.

How to Install and Use Screen on Linux (15 Practical Examples)

Screen was a popular Linux command-line tool back in the day for launching and managing multiple shell sessions or splitting the screen vertically or horizontally across multiple terminal instances within a single terminal window manager. This way, you are allowed to manage multiple shell sessions

How to Use ed (Standard Line Editor) on Unix/Linux

Ed is one of the oldest line editor, having existed for almost four decades. It was introduced long before Vi or Vim, and by looking at its functionality, you can clearly say that Vi drew inspiration from ed, as they share many similarities. Before we

How to Use XXD Command in Linux: A Step-by-Step Guide

The “xxd” command allows to convert data from standard input or a file into hexadecimal or binary output, and it can also reverse the process, converting hex (not binary) to regular characters. Debugging, inspecting non-textual content in hexadecimal, analyzing binary file structures, transporting data in

How to Use Envsubst to Replace Environment Variables in Linux

At one point, you may have come across a template, configuration, or initialization file containing bash variables as placeholders that you’ll need to fill in before actual usage. To fill those variables, you can either use the globally set environment variables, such as “$HOME“, “$USER“,

Running LLMs Locally Using Ollama and Open WebUI on Linux

🚀 Quick Overview In this article, you will learn how to locally access AI LLMs such as Meta Llama 3, Mistral, Gemma, Phi, etc., from your Linux terminal by using an Ollama, and then access the chat interface from your browser using the Open WebUI.

How to Install SEO Spider on Ubuntu (and Other Linux Distros)

The Screaming Frog SEO Spider is a powerful and flexible site crawler, capable of efficiently crawling both small and very large websites. The free version allows you to crawl up to 500 URLs, while upgrading to the premium version for $259 per year removes this

How to Install and Use Codon on Ubuntu (and Other Linux Distros)

Python is undoubtedly a popular programming language, but due to its design, it lags behind in certain aspects, which leads many programmers to choose a different programming language. One aspect that Python has traditionally faced limitations in executing tasks concurrently and efficiently due to the

Understanding the /proc/cpuinfo File in Linux

In Linux, “/proc” is a special virtual file system that contains valuable system-related information in different files. Such a file is “/proc/cpuinfo“, which stores detailed information about the CPU, such as vendor ID, CPU family, model name, virtualization features, caches, and many more. Since it’s