Beginners Guide for Vdir Command on Linux

The vdir command is an equivalent to the โ€œls -l -bโ€ command, printing the content in long list format and showing escape characters on the file or directory name, just like the dir command is equivalent to the โ€œls -C -bโ€ command. Practically, you might

Beginners Guide for Dir Command on Linux

The ls command is famous for showing the content of the current working directory and has become so popular that it outranks other commands like the dir command. The dir command is rarely used today except for shell script; apart from that, both commands have

Beginners Guide for cd Command on Linux

The UNIX/Linux CD command is popularly used to move into different directories from the current working directory using the command line (or terminal). When you open your terminal, Linux will use your home directory as the current working directory, so to navigate into a different

Beginners Guide for Read Command in Linux

The read command is a built-in Linux utility for shell script writers (and for you) to take single line input from the keyboard or from the file descriptor and store it in a variable. The applications for this command are wide ranging, like asking for

What is Shell? | CLI vs GUI | Shell Scripting Explained

To understand the shell, first look at the following picture: The shell is nothing more than a program that carries the user typed commands or instructions from the terminal and converts them into something that the kernel can understand. If youโ€™re using popular operating systems

What is Shebang (#! /bin/bash) in Linux Shell Script

If you have been using Linux for a while, then you have definitely spotted this โ€œ#! /bin/bashโ€ line at the beginning of an shell script. What is Shebang (#! /bin/bash) in Linux Shell Script The โ€œ#! /bin/bashโ€ on Linux, famously known as shebang or hashbang,

How to Use Here Document (HereDoc) in Linux Shell Script

While writing shell script, you might get stuck in the situation where you want to redirect a block of lines from your script to interactive commands like sed, cat, ssh, or ftp. The purpose of this redirection might vary from situation to situation. For example,

What is Exit Status Code ($?) of Last Command in Linux

The โ€œ$?โ€ is a built-in variable that your shell uses to store the exit status code of the last executed command in integer format and remains unchanged unless the next command is executed. Using this exit status code, you can debug the problem that occurred

Beginners Guide for Unset Command in Linux

The unset command is a built-in Linux command used for flushing the value of variables or functions during program execution. Tutorial Details Description Unset Difficulty Level Low Root or Sudo Privileges No OS Compatibility Ubuntu, Manjaro, Fedora, etc. Prerequisites unset Internet Required No Syntax of