Guide to Installing, Configuring, and Managing MySQL on Linux

Linux TLDR
Last Updated:
Reading time: 6 minutes

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that is widely used for managing and organizing structured (or tabular) data, and to manage this data, you need to have basic knowledge of SQL queries.

It can be used in a wide range of applications and scenarios, such as web applications, analytics and reporting, mobile applications, online gaming, and many more, due to its flexibility, performance, and ease of use.

Top tier companies like Facebook, Google, Twitter, Airbnb, and many more still use MySQL at their core. So, the people who claim that MySQL is going to be replaced by NoSQL are total hoaxes, as both are made for different purposes.

In this article, I will guide you on how to install MySQL on your preferred Linux system and how to configure and manage it, with practical examples.

Tutorial Details

DescriptionInstalling, Configuring, and Managing MySQL on Linux
Difficulty LevelHigh
Root or Sudo PrivilegesYes
OS CompatibilityUbuntu, Manjaro, Fedora, etc.
Internet RequiredYes

Key Features

I’ve talked a lot about MySQL in the introduction. However, I suggest looking at the following key features of MySQL that make it different from other RDBMSs:

  • Open Source
  • Cross-platform
  • High performance
  • Scalability
  • Tight Security
  • ACID Compliance (ensuring that database transactions are reliable and maintain data integrity)
  • Support Multiple Data Types (like numeric, string, date and time, and more)
  • Triggers and Stored Procedures, and many more.

So, leaving the list here, let’s see how you can install MySQL on your preferred Linux system.

How to Install MySQL on Linux

The exact command to install MySQL may vary slightly depending on your Linux distribution, but the process remains the same.

1. Update your system repository with the latest package information:

$ sudo apt update                                                                                        #Debian, Ubuntu, or Pop!_OS
$ dnf check-update                                                                                     #Red Hat, CentOS, or Fedora
$ sudo pacman -Sy                                                                                      #Arch, Manjaro, or EndeavourOS 
$ sudo zypper ref                                                                                         #OpenSUSE

2. Now, choose the appropriate command from the following list based on your Linux distribution to install the latest version of MySQL:

$ sudo apt install mysql-server -y                                                                 #Debian, Ubuntu, or Pop!_OS
$ sudo dnf install mysql-server -y                                                                 #Red Hat, CentOS, or Fedora
$ sudo pacman -Sy mysql                                                                              #Arch, Manjaro, or EndeavourOS 
$ sudo zypper install mariadb -y                                                                   #OpenSUSE

Once the installation is complete, you can follow the next step.

Starting the MySQL Service

Once the installation is successfully completed, check that the MySQL service is active and that it is set to automatically start on system boot by using the following command:

Choose the appropriate service name based on your distribution: “mysql” for Debian-based systems and “mysqld” or “mariadb” for CentOS/RHEL-based systems.
$ sudo systemctl status mysql


Checking the status of the MySQL service

Ensure the service is active and set to automatically start on system boot by referring to the provided image. In my case, the service is “inactive” and “disabled“, respectively.

If the service is neither active nor set to start on system boot (as it is for me), execute the following command to rectify the settings:

$ sudo systemctl start mysql
$ sudo systemctl enable mysql


Starting and enabling the MySQL service

Note that while performing the aforementioned steps, if you get the following error in Arch or an Arch-based distribution like Manjaro.

Unable to start the MySQL service

Then execute the following command to initialize the database directory. Afterward, follow the previously mentioned steps to retry starting and enabling the MySQL services.

$ sudo mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql


Initializing the MySQL database

Once you start the service and set it to automatically start on system boot, you can re-verify the service status by using the following command:

$ sudo systemctl status mysql


Re-checking the status of the MySQL service

Configuring and Securing the MySQL Installation

It’s recommended to run a security script to enhance the security of your MySQL installation.

$ sudo mysql_secure_installation

The script will prompt you to configure some security settings for MySQL, starting with setting the validation for the MySQL password.

Setting Validation for MySQL Password

If you set the “VALIDATE PASSWORD COMPONENT” setting to “Yes“, then MySQL will enforce a certain password strength requirement for MySQL user accounts.

If you want to set it up, go ahead, although skip it for now and press enter to go with the default “No” option.

Now, it will prompt you to set the password for the MySQL root user, as “VALIDATE PASSWORD COMPONENT” is set to “No“. So, you can also set a weak password like “12345678“, but I don’t recommend it, especially in a production environment (got an error while setting the password?).

Setting the MySQL Root Password

The script will now ask to remove the anonymous users (users with empty usernames), which could potentially be a security risk. So, type “Y” and press “enter“.

Removing the Anonymous Users

It will now ask if you want to disallow root logins from a remote machine. It’s generally safer to only allow root login from a local machine (via “localhost“). So, type “Y” and press “enter“.

Disallowing Remote Access

MySQL often comes with a “test” database, which is not needed in the production environment. So, type “Y” and press “enter” to remove it.

Removing the "test" database

Lastly, it will ask you to reload the privilege tables. This ensures that the changes you make take effect immediately. So, type “Y” and press “enter” to reload it.

Reloading the privilege tables

And here you are done with the “mysql_secure_installation” script.

Connecting or Disconnecting from the MySQL Server

To be able to run the MySQL queries, first you need to connect to the MySQL server by providing user information like a username and password to the mysql command.

The following command will connect to the MySQL server using the root user with its respective password:

You can also specify the “-h” flag to specify the hostname. When it’s not specified, MySQL considers connecting to “localhost“.
$ mysql -u root -p

Once the provided root user information is validated, the command will prompt you with the MySQL console.

Connecting to the MySQL server using root information

To disconnect from the server and leave the MySQL console, type:

mysql> quit


mysql> \q


Disconnecting from the MySQL server

Listing All the MySQL Users

To list all the existing MySQL users along with their hostnames, type the following command in your MySQL console:

mysql> SELECT user,host,plugin FROM mysql.user;


Listing all the MySQL users

Creating a New MySQL User

Once you are connected to the MySQL server, you can use the “CREATE USER” statement to create a new user by specifying its username, hostname, and password.

Replace “new_user” with the desired username and “user_password” with the password you want to set for the new user.
mysql> CREATE USER 'new_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'user_password';


Creating a new MySQL user

After creating the user, you might want to grant appropriate privileges to the user. For example, you can grant all privileges to all the databases to the new user using the “GRANT” statement.

Replace “ON *.*” with “ON your_database.*” if you want to grant all privileges on a specific database.
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'new_user'@'localhost'; 

After creating the user and granting privileges, remember to reload the privilege tables for the changes to take effect.



Granting privileges to the user and reloading the privilege tables

Checking the MySQL User Existing Privileges

To check the privileges for a specific user, you can specify the username and hostname in the “SHOW GRANTS” statement in the MySQL console.

mysql> SHOW GRANTS FOR 'new_user'@'localhost';


Checking the MySQL user existing privileges

Updating the MySQL User Password

Note that while setting the password for the MySQL root user using the “mysql secure installation” script, it might give you the following error:

Error while setting the MySQL root password from the secure installation

In that case, you have to separately set the password for the root user. For that, open a new terminal and enter the MySQL console using the following command:

You are only able to login to the root account using sudo (without specifying the MySQL root user password) when the password field is empty.
$ sudo mysql -u root

After that, you can specify the username (“root” in this case), hostname, and password in the “ALTER USER” statement:

mysql> ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH caching_sha2_password BY 'new_password';


mysql> ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'new_password';


Updating the MySQL root user password

Deleting the MySQL User

To remove the user from the MySQL server, use the “DROP USER” statement while precisely specifying the target user username and hostname in the format 'username'@'localhost':

mysql> DROP USER 'new_user'@'localhost';


Removing MySQL user

Check the MySQL Server Version

You can output information about the MySQL server version without entering the MySQL console by using the following command:

$ mysqladmin -u root version -p


Checking the MySQL version

Removing the MySQL Server from Linux

If you want to remove the MySQL Server from your Linux system, then execute the following command, depending on your Linux distribution:

$ sudo apt remove mysql-server -y                                                               #Debian, Ubuntu, or Pop!_OS
$ sudo dnf remove mysql-server -y                                                               #Red Hat, CentOS, or Fedora
$ sudo pacman -Rs mysql                                                                                #Arch, Manjaro, or EndeavourOS 
$ sudo zypper remove mariadb  -y                                                                 #OpenSUSE

Final Word

I hope you find this article useful. If so, then do share it with your friends and follow us on our various social platforms.

Although I tried to cover every important thing a beginner should know while using MySQL, if something is missed unintentionally, then inform me in the comment section.

Till then, peace!

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