Beginners Guide for Pinky Command in Linux

Want to find out all the users who logged into your system? Don’t raise your finger; raise your pinky instead. Confused about what I am talking about? Let me explain what I mean. In Linux, there are numerous tools to show you all the logged-in

Purpose of utmp, wtmp, and btmp files in Linux (with an Example)

If you are aware of the Linux file structure, then you might already be aware of the “/var/log” directory that is responsible for keeping the system related logs. You can easily list the content of this directory using the ls command. Output: As you can

Beginners Guide for Finger Command in Linux

The finger is an external command-line tool that can be used to list all the logged-in users on a remote machine or server, like “w” or “who” commands. This tool is also referred to as a “user information lookup program”, as it provides you with

How to List All Logged-In Users in Your Linux System

Have you ever been curious to know who is connected to the remote machine or server you have been working on? I mean, who doesn’t want to do that? Look, listing all the user accounts in your Linux system is quite an easy task, but

Beginners Guide for Uptime Command in Linux

The uptime command is one of the many resourceful Linux utilities for sysadmins that is capable of telling the system boot related information like the current time, the uptime (in days and hours), the number of users currently logged on to the system, and the

Beginners Guide for Who Command in Linux

The who command is a built-in Linux utility that shows a list of users who are currently logged on to the Linux system. In this article, you will learn how to use this command and what options it has to offer (with practical examples). Tutorial

How to List Logged-in Users Using w Command in Linux

The w command is a built-in Linux utility that allows you to list logged-in users on your system, including additional information about them. This includes their username, the terminal devices (TTY) they are using, the remote host or IP address they have connected from, the

Beginners Guide for Ping Command in Linux

PING, also known as “Packet Internet Groper”, is the most common networking tool used in Windows, Linux, and macOS to test the connection between the source and the destination. The destination, or remote system, could be a web server, your router, or a computer on

Beginners Guide for Time Command in Linux

The time command is used to determine the amount of time taken by the referenced command or shell script to execute in your system, from start to finish. It returns the result in three categories: real time, user time, and system time (we will discuss

Beginners Guide for Wall Command in Linux

If you are a sysadmin, then wall command can be your next favorite Linux tool, thinking why? With the help of this tool, you can broadcast messages to all logged-in users on your system, either locally or via SSH. This tool comes in handy, especially

ExplainShell: The Best Alternative for Linux MAN PAGES

Look at the following command and tell me what each part of it does: You might be full of confidence if you are a pro Linux user, but things are not that easy for beginners, and even for advanced users, there will be some commands

What is SSH and How to Install it on Linux?

In this article, you will learn what the SSH protocol is, how it works, and a short history of this protocol. If you are only interested in the installation part, then click here. Tutorial Details Description OpenSSH Difficulty Level Moderate Root or Sudo Privileges Yes