Beginners Guide for Logname Command on Linux

The logname command gives you the username of the currently logged-in user by reading the “/var/run/utmp” file, which is identical to the whoami command with one difference. Stick with this article to learn the difference between the logname and whoami commands, the usage of the

Beginners Guide for Whoami Command on Linux

The whoami (concatenated of the strings “who,” “am,”, “i” as whoami) is a Linux command line utility that prints the username associated with the current effective user ID. It comes in handy, especially while writing the shell script, like fetching the username within the script

5 Ways to Follow (or Find All) Symbolic Links in Linux

Symbolic links (also referred to as “soft links” or “symlinks”) are a kind of shortcut to another file used in the Linux operating system mostly for shared libraries. If you’ve been using Linux as a regular desktop, you might already have encountered one or will

Beginners Guide for Realpath Command on Linux

We recently published a detailed article on the use of the readlink command in Linux; if you read that article, you will understand this better. In short, both are identical tools for finding the original file to which the soft link points. But this tool

Beginners Guide for Readlink Command on Linux

If you have been following us for a long time, then you might already be aware of symlinks (or soft links), but for a quick reminder, they are a kind of shortcut to another file in Linux. Now, you might already be interacting with soft

Beginners Guide for Ping Command in Linux

PING, also known as “Packet Internet Groper”, is the most common networking tool used in Windows, Linux, and macOS to test the connection between the source and the destination. The destination, or remote system, could be a web server, your router, or a computer on

Beginners Guide for Hash Command in Linux

You might already be aware of the Linux shell’s default behavior of capturing each user’s executed commands and storing them in the “~/.bash_history” file, so later you can view the history list using the history command. Although, history is not the only location where your

Purpose of /dev/sda on Linux (When to Use It with an Example)

When a Windows user encounters a Linux system for the first time, their first thought is: where are the “C:/“, “D:/“, or “E:/” drives? So, my innocent Linux newbies, you must know that Linux doesn’t have any concept of local disk like in Windows; here,

Beginners Guide for Type Command in Linux

The type command tells you the actual type of the referenced command. With this information, you can figure out how a command will be interpreted when you execute it in the terminal. The following is the list of known command types: Aside from showing the

Beginners Guide for Time Command in Linux

The time command is used to determine the amount of time taken by the referenced command or shell script to execute in your system, from start to finish. It returns the result in three categories: real time, user time, and system time (we will discuss

Beginners Guide for Sleep Command in Linux

As its name suggests, the sleep command is commonly used by shell script writers to delay the execution of individual or portions of commands specified after this command in script. Using this command, you can delay the next command’s execution for the specified number of

List of Special Parameters in Bash with Examples

In this article, you will learn what the difference is between variables and parameters, what special parameters are, and a list of predefined special parameters in Bash. What are “Special Parameters” in Bash? Before you can understand what special parameters are, you must first understand