Beginners Guide for Whereis Command on Linux

Linux TLDR
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Reading time: 3 minutes

The whereis command is used to find the paths of binary, source, and manual files for a specified command, similarly to the find command but consuming less memory.

Tutorial Details

Difficulty LevelLow
Root or Sudo PrivilegesNo
OS CompatibilityUbuntu, Manjaro, Fedora, etc.
Internet RequiredNo

Syntax of the Whereis Command

The whereis command takes two arguments, one being the option and the other being the filename.

$ whereis [OPTION] [FILENAME]

To search for multiple files at the same time, specify each of them using a space as a separator.

Working of Whereis Command

By default, when you execute any command in your system, it will search for the specified command in the path defined in your environmental files.

$ echo $PATH


Checking paths added in env

For example, if you try to find the full path of the ls command, you will get the following result.

$ whereis ls


Checking related path to ls command

The above command will search for the “ls” binary, source, and manual files from the specified paths in your environmental file.

/usr/share/man/*It will contain the manual files
/sbin, /etc, /usr/{lib,bin,ucb,lpp}It will contain the binary files
/usr/src/*It will contain the source code files

Printing the Single or Multiple Commands Path

The following command will print the ls command’s binary, source, and manual paths.

$ whereis ls


Locating all resources related to the ls command using whereis command

Get paths for multiple tools or commands by specifying each of them using space as a separator.

$ whereis nano vim

The above command will return all the (binary, source, and manual) paths related to Nano or Vim.

Performing multiple command search using whereis command

Printing the Full Path of Only Binaries

You can use the “-b” flag with a command or tool name to only print its binaries or executable location.

$ whereis -b ls


Locating the binary path using whereis command

Printing the Full Path of Only Manual Pages

The “-m” flag with a command or tool name will only print the specified command or tool manual page path.

$ whereis -m ls


Locating the manual path using whereis command

Printing the Full Path of Only Source

The following command with the “-s” flag will print the source file for the specified command (only if your distribution has kept the source file).

$ whereis -s fs


Locating the source path using whereis command

Printing the Directories List Where the Whereis Command Searching

The whereis command will search for your specified argument in multiple directories that you can list using the “-l” flag.

$ whereis -l ls


Listing the directory where the search is performed by whereis command

Searching for Unusual Entries

A file is said to be unusual when it does not have a single entry for each command or tool (binary, manual, or source).

For example, the wget command (or file) has multiple manual files that make it an unusual file.

$ whereis wget


Locating unusal entries using whereis command

As you can see above, the files with multiple binary, manual, and source files are considered unusual files.

Another example, from the “/bin/” directory, if you want to list all the commands with multiple manual files, then use the “-u” flag to specify the search for unusual files and the “-m” flag to filter the search for only manual files with the wild card “*“.

$ cd /bin
$ whereis -m -u *


Listing all the unsual entries of command under bin directory

Searching for the Keyword in a Specific Directory

By default, the whereis command will search for the tool or command in the specified path defined in your environmental file.

To limit the search location where the whereis is searching for binary, source, and manual files, use the “-B” flag to assign a binary lookup path, the “-M” flag for a manual path, and the “-S” flag for a source path, with the “-f” flag specifying the name of the command or tool.

For example, to override the binary lookup path, use the “-b” flag to search only for binary in the specified path using the “-B” flag and for the specified command or tool name using the “-f” flag.

$ whereis -b -B /usr/bin/ -f ls

The above command will search for “ls” binary files in the specified “/usr/bin” path.

Only search for binary file under specific directory using whereis command

To search for the manual path in the limited location, use the “-m” flag to only search for manual files, with the “-M” flag specifying the path of the manual, and “-f” to assign the name of the command or tool to be searched.

$ whereis -m -M /usr/share/man/man1/ -f ls

The above command will search for the ls command manual path in the specified path assigned to the “-M” flag.

Only search for manual file under specific directory using whereis command

To search for the source path in the limited location, use the “-s” flag to only search for source files, with the “-S” flag specifying the custom path, and the “-f” flag to assign the name of the command or tool to be searched.

$ whereis -s -S /usr/src/linux-* -f fs

The above command will search for the ps command source file in the specified path assigned to the “-S” flag.

Only search for source file under specific directory using whereis command

That was the last example.

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