How to Use lsblk Command on Linux

The lsblk (pronounced “L-S-block”) command is commonly used to get the list of all the block devices in your system with their information, such as size, type, mount point, etc. If you are wondering, what are block devices? Then it’s basically files that represent the

Learn Linux dd Command with 17 Examples

The dd command is a command-line utility that is abbreviated as “Data Definition“, “Data Duplicator“, or “Disk Dump” depending upon the usage, but it’s commonly known as a utility for copying and converting data in Linux. It can copy data from a file or block

Block/Unblock Ping ICMP Requests in the Linux System

Ping is the most commonly used command-line utility used by many sysadmins or network engineers to check whether a target machine is up or down in a given network. We already discussed how this command works in a separate article; click here to read it.

How to Talk to Other Users on the Network in Linux

The write command in Linux allows two logged-in users to communicate with each other via the terminal in real time until they are on the same network. This command copies the text from one terminal to another, making it possible to send messages or text

How to Check, Allow, or Disallow Terminal Write Access in Linux

By default, all the Linux systems accept standard input from another user connected in the same network using the “wall” or “write” commands. It is possible due to the terminal’s ability to write messages received from another user on the screen; check out our article

Beginners Guide for Uptime Command in Linux

The uptime command is one of the many resourceful Linux utilities for sysadmins that is capable of telling the system boot related information like the current time, the uptime (in days and hours), the number of users currently logged on to the system, and the

Beginners Guide for W Command in Linux

The w command is a built-in Linux utility that is capable of listing the usernames of all the users that are currently logged-in, locally or remotely. In the output, you can view the information of all the logged-in users, like their username, where they are

Beginners Guide for Realpath Command on Linux

We recently published a detailed article on the use of the readlink command in Linux; if you read that article, you will understand this better. In short, both are identical tools for finding the original file to which the soft link points. But this tool

Beginners Guide for Ping Command in Linux

PING, also known as “Packet Internet Groper”, is the most common networking tool used in Windows, Linux, and macOS to test the connection between the source and the destination. The destination, or remote system, could be a web server, your router, or a computer on

Beginners Guide for Hash Command in Linux

You might already be aware of the Linux shell’s default behavior of capturing each user’s executed commands and storing them in the “~/.bash_history” file, so later you can view the history list using the history command. Although, history is not the only location where your

Beginners Guide for Type Command in Linux

The type command tells you the actual type of the referenced command. With this information, you can figure out how a command will be interpreted when you execute it in the terminal. The following is the list of known command types: Aside from showing the