Lazy Docker: A User-Friendly CLI Tool for Docker Management

🚀 Quick Overview If you need a lightweight alternative to Portainer, consider Lazy Docker. It’s a CLI Docker front-end that displays the list of running/stopped containers, images, volumes, and networks and allows you to check their logs, stats, env, config, and top. However, complex operations

COBOL Programming on Linux: Installation Guide & First Program

COBOL (also known as “Common Business-Oriented Language“) is a high-level programming language that first appeared in 1959 to meet the business data processing needs of companies and organizations. It was particularly designed for business applications and handling large-scale data processing, and despite its declining popularity,

Upscayl: The Ultimate Open-Source AI Image Upscaler

Upscayl is an open-source AI image upscaler that effortlessly enhances low-resolution or compressed images using advanced algorithms, all while preserving perfect quality. The project captured my attention last year, and today, significant enhancements and updates have been made to this application, which will be discussed

Walk: A Lightweight Terminal Navigator for Linux

Navigating files and directories in the terminal using ls and cd commands may seem efficient but can be unproductive, especially for those immersed in them all day. How often do you hesitate or feel overwhelmed when browsing directories with numerous files, like “/bin“? Navigating through

Mastering the fsck Command: Repair Linux File Systems Like a Pro

The “fsck” command (which stands for “file system check“) is a Linux command-line utility used to check and repair the integrity of a file system on storage devices like HDDs or SSDs. Nowadays, Linux filesystems support journaling, which eliminates the need for fsck. However, there

How to Use the Jupyter Notebook AI Extension on Linux

Jupyter AI is an incredible and powerful Python extension that brings generative AI models (like ChatGPT) to your JupyterLab or Notebooks to enhance your productivity. Users can utilize it to explain and generate code, rectify errors, condense content, and even compose entire notebooks seamlessly from

Snap in Linux: Features, History, Controversies, and Installation Guide

In this comprehensive article, you will learn what Snap is in Linux, discovering its remarkable features, intriguing history, and the controversies that surround it. Additionally, you will also learn how to install Snap on your preferred Linux distribution, followed by practical examples that showcase its

35+ Examples of Zypper Command for openSUSE Linux

Zypper is a popular and robust package management tool, holding its position as a cornerstone in both openSUSE Leap, freely available for personal use, and SUSE Linux Enterprise, exclusively designed for business applications. It is a command-line based package management tool that empowers Linux users

YUM Package Manager (From Rise to Replacement by DNF)

In this article, discover the intriguing history of the YUM package manager, from its rise to its decline, leading to its eventual replacement by DNF, a modern solution for package management. Explore whether it still holds value today and gain insights into essential YUM commands

Mastering Htpasswd Command on Linux

The htpasswd command-line utility is used to create or update password files that store users and their corresponding hashed passwords. Primarily used for authentication files in the Apache HTTP server to protect users access to certain directories or applications on a web server. However, you

Installing and Using Wget on Linux Like a Pro

In this article, you will explore the power of the wget command, discover the key features of wget, learn how to easily install it on major Linux distributions, and gain hands-on experience with practical examples. Tutorial Details Description Wget Difficulty Level Low Root or Sudo

Installing and Using Curl on Linux Like a Pro

Curl is an amazing open source command-line tool and a library for transferring data with URLs (Uniform Resource Locators). It provides support for 26 protocols and allows you to send requests and retrieve responses through these protocols. The majority of Linux distributions provide curl out