Carbonyl: A Chromium-Based Browser Made for Your Terminal

Carbonyl is a Chromium-based terminal browser that can render graphical elements, play audio and video (default set to 60 fps), is less resource-intensive, and can also run through SSH. It bundles all necessary Web APIs, such as WebGL, WebGPU, animations, etc., and is considerably better

How to Execute JavaScript in a Jupyter Notebook on Linux

Jupyter Notebook is the most popular server-client application that allows you to write, run, test, and debug Python-interpreted programs on notebook documents via a web browser. Unfortunately, other interpreted programming languages, such as Javascript, lack such fully-fledged applications that offer tight integration and enable users

How to Run JavaScript in Python (with an Example)

Polyglot programming is uncommon but can be a lifesaver in specific situations. For example, we recently wrote an article about executing Python scripts within a PHP/HTML file, which can be valuable for certain programmers. This approach proves useful in scenarios such as running system diagnostic

How to Run a Python Script on a PHP/HTML File

In this article, you will learn how to run a Python script on a PHP (or even a plain HTML) file using two different methods, along with practical examples. I assume you have already installed Python with Pip and set up the web development environment

Uh-Halp is an AI-Powered Command-Line Helper for Linux

Uh Halp is a cutting-edge AI command-line tool powered by OpenAI’s most affordable model, enhancing your command-line experience like never before. If you’re a loyal reader (if not, bookmark us now), you probably already know about chatGPT shell cli. It’s identical to this, with the

How to Deploy Portainer with Podman on Linux

Podman is a fantastic Docker alternative, yet challenges arise when attempting to utilize Docker images in Podman, particularly those only compatible with Docker like Portainer. Yet, there is a certain way by which you can easily use Docker images like Portainer on the Podman (the

How to Install Apache Kafka on RHEL-Based Distributions

💭 Scenario Picture multiple computers or systems communicating by sending messages, which could be updates, notifications, or data. Instead of each computer directly communicating with the others, they use Kafka as an intermediary to simplify the process. What is Apache Kafka? Apache Kafka is an

How to Use Apt-Offline to Install Debian or Ubuntu Packages

💭 Scenario You have one computer that’s connected to the internet (online system) and another computer that’s not connected to the internet (offline system), but you want to install or update software on the offline system. Here comes the Apt-Offline utility as a solution. What

Schedule One-Time Tasks Using the At Command on Linux

In Linux, there are multiple tools for task scheduling, and one of the well-known options that you might have heard of is the cron job. Today’s discussion centers on the “at” command, a specialized task scheduling tool designed for executing one-time tasks, the opposite of

How to Install Portainer Server on Linux or WSL

Portainer is an amazing open-source container management platform that simplifies the deployment, management, and monitoring of containerized applications. It provides a user-friendly web-based interface (desktop clients are not available) that makes it easier for users to interact with container technologies like Docker or Kubernetes. As

Install Podman on Your Favorite Linux Distribution

Podman is an open-source container management tool for creating, managing, and running containers and images. It’s often used as an alternative to Docker, allowing users to run standalone (non-orchestrated) containers without requiring a daemon. Podman was developed by Red Hat, but it is supported by

Difference Between Docker and Podman (Ultimate Guide)

Podman is an open-source container management tool that provides a way to create, manage, and run containers on your Linux systems. Sounds familiar, right? If you’ve ever used Docker in your life, you can relate to their similarities. But hold your horses as you read