Warehouse is an Ultimate Toolbox for Managing Flatpak Apps

Warehouse is a user-friendly GUI toolbox designed to effortlessly handle Flatpak apps and remotes, allowing effortless viewing of installed Flatpak properties and user data management. The project is in its initial stages, so anticipate encountering some bugs; if you come across any, please report them

Atoms is a GUI Tool for Chroot Management on Linux

πŸš€ Quick Overview This article will explore Atoms, a GUI-based tool that simplifies the process of creating, managing, and utilizing chroot environments on Linux, a task traditionally performed via the command line. If you’re new to the topic and not familiar with the concept of

What is Tor Browser (and How to Install it on Major Linux)

πŸš€ Quick Overview This article covers the top data breaches, the importance of privacy, what Tor Browser is, how to install Tor Browser on Linux, Tor Browser best practices to improve your anonymity online, and a few tips! Prior to moving forward, take a look

Understanding Buffer vs. Cache in Linux Memory

πŸš€ Quick Overview They are not that easy to comprehend in one sentence, but for simplicity, you can think of buffers as a way to store file metadata (permissions, location, etc.) during I/O operations for efficient transfer. While cache is used for storing actual file

How to Use AppImage in Linux (A Complete Beginner’s Guide)

πŸš€ Quick Overview This article focuses on explaining different software packaging concepts, highlighting what AppImage is, its installation, and its removal from your Linux system. Traditionally, the software packages are shipped in DEB packages for Debian or Ubuntu-based distributions and RPM packages for RHEL and

How to Install Scratch on Linux for Fun Coding Adventures

Scratch is an amazing visual programming language and online community aimed at teaching coding concepts and terminology to children and beginners in a fun and interactive way. You can imagine its popularity from the fact that it isn’t considered a mainstream programming language like C/C++,

Fixed vs. Rolling vs. Semi-Rolling Release in Linux (Explained)

In the realm of Linux, software updates are typically delivered to users through three distinct models: fixed release, rolling release, and semi-rolling release. Linux distributions that follow a fixed release model typically focus primarily on delivering security updates and bug patches, while new software packages

Difference Between Docker and Podman (Ultimate Guide)

Podman is an open-source container management tool that provides a way to create, manage, and run containers on your Linux systems. Sounds familiar, right? If you’ve ever used Docker in your life, you can relate to their similarities. But hold your horses as you read

Dive Tool: Explore Docker Image Layers and Optimize Size

πŸš€ Quick Overview The Dive tool is only helpful to individuals looking for a way to identify each layer of a Docker image. The reason could be reducing the image size or understanding the function of each layer. Dive is an excellent tool, particularly for

Lazy Docker: A User-Friendly CLI Tool for Docker Management

πŸš€ Quick Overview If you need a lightweight alternative to Portainer, consider Lazy Docker. It’s a CLI Docker front-end that displays the list of running/stopped containers, images, volumes, and networks and allows you to check their logs, stats, env, config, and top. However, complex operations

Upscayl: The Ultimate Open-Source AI Image Upscaler

Upscayl is an open-source AI image upscaler that effortlessly enhances low-resolution or compressed images using advanced algorithms, all while preserving perfect quality. The project captured my attention last year, and today, significant enhancements and updates have been made to this application, which will be discussed

Walk: A Lightweight Terminal Navigator for Linux

Navigating files and directories in the terminal using ls and cd commands may seem efficient but can be unproductive, especially for those immersed in them all day. How often do you hesitate or feel overwhelmed when browsing directories with numerous files, like β€œ/binβ€œ? Navigating through