How to Run JavaScript in Python (with an Example)

Polyglot programming is uncommon but can be a lifesaver in specific situations. For example, we recently wrote an article about executing Python scripts within a PHP/HTML file, which can be valuable for certain programmers. This approach proves useful in scenarios such as running system diagnostic

Spectrum is a CLI Music Player for Linux (Installation + Usage)

If you enjoy playing your music locally on your Linux system without internet connectivity using GUI media players like VLC, it’s time to transition to the elegant CLI tool called Spectrum. Spectrum: A Slick CLI Music Player Spectrum is a simple and amazing console-based media

Uh-Halp is an AI-Powered Command-Line Helper for Linux

Uh Halp is a cutting-edge AI command-line tool powered by OpenAI’s most affordable model, enhancing your command-line experience like never before. If you’re a loyal reader (if not, bookmark us now), you probably already know about chatGPT shell cli. It’s identical to this, with the

Atoms is a GUI Tool for Chroot Management on Linux

🚀 Quick Overview This article will explore Atoms, a GUI-based tool that simplifies the process of creating, managing, and utilizing chroot environments on Linux, a task traditionally performed via the command line. If you’re new to the topic and not familiar with the concept of

How to Clear Buffer and Cache Memory in Linux

Linux provides a robust way for memory management by providing an advanced mechanism like buffering and caching to hold repeating data once in memory rather than directly serving it on demand. In the future, when the data is demanded, it will be taken from memory

How to Install Apache Kafka on RHEL-Based Distributions

💭 Scenario Picture multiple computers or systems communicating by sending messages, which could be updates, notifications, or data. Instead of each computer directly communicating with the others, they use Kafka as an intermediary to simplify the process. What is Apache Kafka? Apache Kafka is an

How to Use Apt-Offline to Install Debian or Ubuntu Packages

💭 Scenario You have one computer that’s connected to the internet (online system) and another computer that’s not connected to the internet (offline system), but you want to install or update software on the offline system. Here comes the Apt-Offline utility as a solution. What

Installing NASM and Writing Your First Assembly Program on Linux

Assembly language is one of the most popular topics in the coding community as it offers you the ability to work at a low level that is closely tied to a computer’s architecture and hardware. It provides a human-readable representation of machine code instructions, allowing

How to Install and Use Pipx on Linux

In Python, ensuring package isolation is crucial to prevent conflicts with one another, and to achieve this goal, there are several tools available, including virtualenv, pipenv, and pipx (our topic for today). Before going more in-depth on pipx, let’s first address the differences among virtualenv,

Installing and Running Fortran Program on Linux

Fortran, which stands for “Formula Translation“, was initially created by IBM in the 1950s to serve as a high-level programming language for scientific and engineering calculations. It is commonly used in areas where performance and numerical accuracy are critical, such as physics, astronomy, geophysics, computational

Schedule One-Time Tasks Using the At Command on Linux

In Linux, there are multiple tools for task scheduling, and one of the well-known options that you might have heard of is the cron job. Today’s discussion centers on the “at” command, a specialized task scheduling tool designed for executing one-time tasks, the opposite of

How to Install Portainer Server on Linux or WSL

Portainer is an amazing open-source container management platform that simplifies the deployment, management, and monitoring of containerized applications. It provides a user-friendly web-based interface (desktop clients are not available) that makes it easier for users to interact with container technologies like Docker or Kubernetes. As