Manage Multiple Versions of NeoVim via Bob Version Manager

NeoVim is a popular and modern CLI text editor for Linux. Iโ€™ve recently written a complete article on installing and using the latest version of NeoVim on your preferred Linux system. However, the article showed the traditional way of installing NeoVim, where you could only

How to Install Latest NeoVim on Linux (Ultimate Guide)

NeoVim is a modern command-line text editor designed to improve and modernize the original Vim editor by addressing some limitations and introducing new features. It provides support for asynchronous plugins, the Language Server Protocol, a built-in terminal emulator, built-in package management, and a more powerful

How to Execute JavaScript in a Jupyter Notebook on Linux

Jupyter Notebook is the most popular server-client application that allows you to write, run, test, and debug Python-interpreted programs on notebook documents via a web browser. Unfortunately, other interpreted programming languages, such as Javascript, lack such fully-fledged applications that offer tight integration and enable users

What is Polyglot (and Hyperpolyglot) in Programming

A traditional journey for non-programmers entering the programming realm is to choose one of many programming languages and begin mastering it until they are able to make some use of it and create a full-fledged application. The journey would eventually end here if the person

How to Install Development Tools on Linux (Ultimate Guide)

Development tools are a set of software applications and utilities specifically designed to aid software developers in creating, debugging, testing, and maintaining software applications. These development tools include necessary applications such as GCC (GNU Compiler Collection), GNU Make, Git, GDB (GNU Debugger), and many more.

How to: Install Angular CLI (and Create a New App) on Linux

Angular is a widely used open-source web application framework developed and maintained by Google, serves the purpose of creating dynamic single-page mobile or web applications (SPAs). It uses Typescript/Javascript and offers a rich set of features like component-based architecture, two-way data binding, dependency injection, directives,

Fastfetch: A Tool for Fetching System Information on Linux

Fastfetch is a tool for fetching system information, similar to Neofetch, but with enhanced performance because itโ€™s written in C and offers greater customizability, providing you with more control over the output. Overall, itโ€™s a good tool available for most operating systems, like Linux, Android,

Spyder is a Python IDE Tailored for Data Scientists

๐Ÿš€ Quick Overview Donโ€™t stick with VSCode or PyCharm for your Python journey if youโ€™re a scientist, engineer, or data analyst. You already have a finely-tuned, tailored IDE specifically designed for you by people like you named Spyder. Spyder is an open-source, specially designed IDE

How to Run JavaScript in Python (with an Example)

Polyglot programming is uncommon but can be a lifesaver in specific situations. For example, we recently wrote an article about executing Python scripts within a PHP/HTML file, which can be valuable for certain programmers. This approach proves useful in scenarios such as running system diagnostic

How to Install Geany IDE on Linux (with Dark Theme)

Geany is a lightweight yet powerful IDE for programming languages like Python, C/C++, Java, and 50+ more, offering useful features that make it a viable replacement for Notepad++ on Linux. It is fast, highly customizable, supports 77 file types, is translated into 40 languages, provides

How to Run a Python Script on a PHP/HTML File

In this article, you will learn how to run a Python script on a PHP (or even a plain HTML) file using two different methods, along with practical examples. I assume you have already installed Python with Pip and set up the web development environment

Mercury is an Optimized Variant of Firefox (Installation + Tips)

In the past, Iโ€™ve covered a lot of variants of Firefox browsers; among them, the most popular are Tor Browser, Waterfox, and Mullvad. Yet, there is another browser in your way, named Mercury. Mercury is an Optimized Variant of Firefox Mercuriy is a Firefox fork